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  • Preferred option
    Advanced Figma $197$197.00
  • Preferred option
    Efficient Designer$197.00
  • Preferred option
    Advanced Figma + Efficient Designer Bundle$297.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xAdvanced Figma masterclass$0

All prices in USD


"This masterclass is 1000x better than any Youtube tutorial or Figma workshop I have ever seen, because you explained it clearly and in a simple way.

So many people are creating paid content where they are just stretching out basic information, but this was not the case. Thank you! You are an inspiration."

Elina Eihvalde
Design Lead at


"Amazing. I was totally mind blown when I learned about the power of components and auto-layout. My brain was about to burst with the amount of information I have received in merely 3 hours. Fantastic and phenomenal."

Alisa Prem
Product Designer at American Express Global Business Travel


"The masterclass is full of explanations that will help me work much better from this moment."

Alena Landziuk
UI/UX Designer at WelMed Italia
